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Upskilling on technology with the Freedom Park Community

As part of our widening impact program with local schools and communities, we welcomed 26 residents from Freedom Park to our school for our very first Introductory Computer Skills Workshop. The workshop consists of four sessions, after which participants will have the ability to update and attach their CVs to an email and apply for potential jobs. The previous workshop, ‘Building my Career Workshop’, assisted Freedom Park residents in creating their own CV, which included guidance from our staff on how to go about applying, preparing, and keeping a job. The Computer Skills Workshop took a step further compared to the previous one and saw residents learning basic computer skills, from using Microsoft Office and Outlook, to using Google and improving their typing abilities.

Basic computer skills greatly improve job seekers’ ability to apply for jobs and secure an interview and opens up a wide array of e-learning possibilities to gain new skills. 

One of the Freedom Park attendees, Mervin Jumat, says that he is so happy that he got this opportunity to learn things like sending an email. He says, “I am very grateful for Christel House and all the people that helped us with this course. Technology is something that I see is very important “.

After each session, participants also received a food parcel after the learning session to assist with emergency relief during COVID-19. We thank our anonymous donor for sponsoring our widening impact workshops and Dell Technologies for providing the technology needed to roll-out this valuable skills development initiative.

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