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Uniforms for Mandela Day

School uniforms play a crucial role in fostering a sense of belonging and equality amongst learners. For Christel House SA students, uniforms are more than just attire. They embody hope and the promise of a brighter future. By donning the Christel House badge with pride, our students are empowered to believe in their potential.

To support our learners, including our new Grade 8's who will join in 2025, we are seeking donations for student uniforms.

Donate R300, R600 or R900 towards uniforms ahead of International Mandela Day 2024. Your generous contribution will make a significant difference in the lives of our learners by ensuring that they have the proper attire to attend school with confidence and dignity. Your support will empower our learners to pursue their education with pride knowing that their community believes in their potential. Together, we can make a tangible difference in their lives and help build a brighter future for all.

To contribute, click here.

Every donation counts and all South African donors will receive a Section 18A tax-deductible certificate and businesses can also earn BBBEE points for their contributions. Thank you for your support.