Students from four different schools, came together at Christel House South Africa (CHSA) for a fun-filled Derby Day. It was more than fun activities – it was also about understanding the wealth gap in South Africa. “Our intention is to bring students from all walks of life together,” says CHSA Junior School Principal Carol Kriel. “We can remove barriers and ultimately build bridges for the youth, our future leaders.”
Twenty Grade 6 students from each school enjoyed a festive, productive day at Christel House. Students participated in ice breaker games, deep conversations, exercises and an exciting go-kart race that allowed students to interact and bond with each other. According to the World Bank, South Africa is one of the most unequitable countries in the world. Their aim is to reduce wealth inequality. That is why Christel House is receiving support in forging partnerships between wealthy and underprivileged schools, developing joint activities and curriculum to reduce the gap between the South African youth. “We are able to make a difference by working with other schools and with the help of our generous donor,” say Principal Kriel. “We want all children in South Africa to be confident and able to thrive across the wealth spectrum.”