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Youth Bridge graduate, Ongeza is now a Camp Counsellor in New York

Ongeza Vuka (29) from Langa graduated from our youth unemployment initiative, Youth Bridge. Before joining the Youth Bridge programme, Ongeza faced the bleak reality of unemployment and applied for any job, hoping to put food on the table for her daughter and other family members. Through our comprehensive Youth Bridge programme, Ongeza discovered her strengths and passions and has been equipped with the tools necessary to pursue her career goals. She currently works in the United States and has fulfilled her dream of becoming a Youth Camp Counsellor.

Reflecting on her experience, Ongeza comments, “Everything I learnt during the programme helped me get the career that I’ve always dreamt of. The programme didn't just teach me job-seeking skills, it helped me discover my true aspirations and how to achieve them. I would like to thank the programme coordinators – they supported me as a family by focusing on my individual needs. That has led me to where I am today.”

Our Youth Bridge programme offers a holistic 6-month programme that includes full-time 1.5-month intensive contact sessions, bolstered by 4.5 months of longitudinal support and mentorship. Participants receive character development lessons, computer training, financial literacy education, career etiquette, establishing a career path, and a psychometric assessment to assist in finding their passion. Thereafter, mentors connect graduates to further education opportunities to improve their skills and employability and eventually match them with potential employers.

To find out more or to get involved in the Youth Bridge programme, contact Ayanda Mvandaba, Managing Partner 10X at amvandaba@sa.christelhouse.org.

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